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Blue Blazer

Blue Blazer 2005

Where Flair and Mixology Meet!

FBA Blue Blazer

DECEMBER 19-20, 2005

Kahunaville, Treasure Island, Las Vegas, USA

Congratulation Christian Delpech

Christian came out and did what he does at almost every event, blows every one away with grace, style, and precision. He qualified first and then stormed the finals winning both flair and the over all title.

Juan Llorente stepped his skills up this year but so did the competition. Juan takes second place for the second year in a row. His presentation was second-to-none and his class as a competitor is about as good as it gets. EVERYONE loves to see Juan compete as he always brings us bad ass flair with an ear to ear smile. Thank you Juan!

Toby Ellis hit the finals strong with some unique flair and killer mixology skills. His presentation was top notch, his flair was super clean, his cuts were bullet proof, and his drinks were pretty kick ass to boot. Toby pulled down top honors in the mixology portion.

A shout out to Dean Serneels for having two drinks on both days that the mixology judges drooled over, and to Rodrigo Delpech for showing us that nobody is going to catch him any time soon on raw flair skill.

If you missed this comp, you truly missed something special.

The DVD will be available in February.

Look for a full review in flairbar.com next month.